A full hour session is $180 including GST.
Cash on the day or internet banking are preferred options.
Anything else by prior arrangement only.
Funding is usually arranged before accessing the services of Men's Work. EAP companies for example have to be contacted in advance of any bookings. Please ask your employer, doctor, insurance company about possible funding before making an enquiry.
The Process
Once initial contact has been made we would establish a time for the first appointment, and you will be set up with an email or txt reminder. The hour long appointments are generally made weekly, though after the first few we may begin to space them out. Some clients make very quick progress over a few sessions, but generally, the expectation would be a noticeable change within 3 to 4. A ‘checking in’ appointment every few months can also be extremely beneficial for those wanting to maintain changes.

Courage comes in many forms.
Being CourageousFor many, this is a process that is scary as hell. Men are good at locking stuff away, so looking at finally addressing some issues can be a daunting prospect for those who have never had the opportunity - or the willingness.
Men's Work is not about providing a 'safe space' for clients but rather encouraging and enabling men to become more, and therefore conquering fears that might be holding them back elsewhere.
Keep going!
If you are here then you have already started a process of gaining help toward being a better bloke. You might be curious for now, and just checking out possible ways forward. If so then maybe you'll find some resources that will help. Otherwise make contact and let us help you to a better functioning and satisfying life.